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Pilot Quentin Aanenson

On display in the museum are the uniform, flight jacket, helmet, goggles, and boots worn by WWII P-47 Pilot Quentin Aanenson.  Aanenson’s auto-biographical account of his service during WWII was told in his film, “A Fighter Pilot’s Story”.  Ken Burns discovered the film when researching WWII for his epic documentary – “THE WAR” – and selected Luverne as one of the four communities that were featured because of Aanenson’s well-told and documented film.

Quentin Aanenson - WWII Pilot
Father Francis Sampson - WWII Paratrooper Priest

Father Francis Sampson

Featured in the museum are artifacts of Father Francis Sampson.  Sampson served as a paratrooper priest during WWII, Korean War and Vietnam.  The display shares the amazing story of his service to God and Nation including how he saved “Private Ryan” and the time he was captured and imprisoned in Stalag II-A.  Sampson also served at the Chief of Army Chaplains.  He is buried at St. Catherine’s Catholic Cemetery in Luverne alongside his mother.   

Captain Lenore Sandager - WWII Marine

Captain Lenore Sandager

See the uniform and read the story about Lt. Lenore Sandager.  Sandager left Rock County to teach school.  When war was declared, she answered the call to service and entered the Marines.  While serving, she was tasked with developing the training protocol for the Navajo Code Talking program while stationed at Camp Pendleton. 

Herreid Military Museum ~ Rock County, MN
213 E Luverne Street, Luverne MN,  56156     507-283-4061    Email:

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