Vietnam War
Vietnam veteran and museum curator Terrie Gulden created this amazing bunker scene replica of Hill 1001 near Dak To. The scene replicates a photo sent to him by one of his buddies from Round Lake, Minnesota. The display replicates the stations of many of our brave men and women who served during the Vietnam War.


Marlin Roberts
Soldier’s needed haircuts, even during the war. Rock County veteran Marlin Roberts was quite popular during the Vietnam War. His talent for cutting hair brought him from base to base – serving officers first before the enlisted men. Have shears, will travel.

Agent Orange
Nothing had longer lasting effects from the Vietnam War than Agent Orange. Learn about chemical weapon warfare during Vietnam in an amazing interactive display created by curator Terrie Gulden.

Gary Herreid
Medical corpsman saved thousands of lives during the Vietnam War. Luverne’s Gary Herreid served as a corpsman during the war and has donated this wonderful display of mobile medical supplies.

KIA Vincent Reker
The museum also honors Rock County’s first Vietnam KIA Robert Vincent Reker. Reker was killed at the age of 20 when the enemy attacked a truck he was riding in.